A Discovery of Witches – Deborah Harkness – Sky Drama Series

41qe6sL51GL._AC_US436_QL65_I must admit I was quite excited about this this morning. I read Harkness’s novel a while ago and although I can’t really remember a lot of details, I do remember that I raced through it and enjoyed the magic, vampires and pure escapism of it. It was a good read but I didn’t then go on to read the next two books in the trilogy probably because they hadn’t been written yet and I had moved on to other things by the time they were.

Anyway, Sky have made a mini series of A Discovery of Witches and the Radio Times have the first episode on their website to watch completely free – find it here.


I started watching it this morning and now I am completely hooked. I actually think it may be better than the book. Matthew Goode is brilliant as the Vampire and visually it is perfect. Just one problem, we don’t have Sky so if anybody would like to invite me round to watch the next episode that would be great!

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